Our Featured Child

Millicent Auma is 11 years old and is from the Luo tribe. She loves to be drilled with math problems and delights in giving the answer in English with a huge smile!

We cannot say "Thank you" enough to all who
participated and supported the Dorms for
Children Project. Every single person made a

Sponsor A Child

Change A Life

Pure and undefiled religion in the sight of our God and Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world. - James 1:27

"The Promised Land" -- Orphanage Home

The orphanage is located just southeast of Nairobi, and sits on a three and a half acre parcel of land on the Kenyan Savannah. It now sustains the well-being of thirty-six beautiful children. They are a very small part of an estimated 2.5 million orphans in Kenya alone, that exist due to war, malaria, and the AIDS epidemic. Living in deplorable conditions, life was a daily struggle for these children. Now however, they live, learn, and love in a healthy stable place they call home. Rightfully named "The Promised Land", this orphanage is humble in appearance, and like the Promised Land of the Bible, this land is a blessing and gives hope of a better, brighter future for our orphans. The smiles on the children's faces attest to that. The orphanage consists of a dormitory housing the children, a directors quarters, a bathhouse, a kitchen, and a multi-use room. It is our vision to grow our family of The Promised Land by welcoming more displaced children to nurture and love, and to teach them to claim their inheritance in the promises of God. Please visit our Sponsor pages and the Gallery of pictures. Also, there is a Newsletter that you can read online or sign up for which gives a  more current view of events and visions for our children. Within the pages of this website, you will find some of the most beautiful children you could ever want to meet and care for. They are all looking forward to hearing from you and are excited to tell you about themselves and the lives they now have.

