Laura Mmbaya

Laura Mmbaya

Laura Mmbaya is 10 years old and in Class 3 where she enjoys learning the English language and finds science to be more challenging. Her favorite color is purple, she loves to jump rope and play hide and seek with the other children. Laura is from the Luhya tribe. When we met Laura, she and her siblings, Eunice, Hildah, and Justus were living in a large family setting with grand parents, aunts, uncles and cousins in a rural wooded area near Kakamega, Kenya. These children were treated more like servants and had been eating very little food, drinking really dirty water and were infested with chiggers which were eating their flesh. They were only permitted to go to school after their chores were completed. These four children lost their parents in 2009 to AIDS and when we found them, they were in desparate need of a change in living circumstances.



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